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From the minute I met Anna I felt comfortable and in great hands. Not only is she professional, skilled and knowledgeable, she has a great passion for what she does and a great concern for her clients. She also has a great desire and passion to elevate her practice with learning and trying new techniques. I was very fortunate to be a client of hers when she was exploring using acupuncture for facial rejuvenation. She not only would address the areas of the face in this trial, but she would also address any other issues you might be experiencing. She also made sure the environment she practiced in was calming and nurturing for her clients. She is not only skilled at what she does, she is a wonderful person, and someone I looked forward to seeing on a weekly basis.



Thank you so much for getting me into your office so quickly, and for the MIRACLE you worked on my back! I could barely crawl on to your table, and 45 minutes later I was 95% improved. I had been dreading the discomfort of a 4 hour flight, however, since I was pain free my trip to Scottsdale was rejuvenating and wonderful. It would be my pleasure to recommend you to anyone who needs relief.

Carol Mancini


Anna is a skilled acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist with a big heart. I came to her with miserable hot flashes. After just 2 sessions of acupuncture and a tailored herbal formula, I was comfortable and have not had any flashes or even warm sensations since! I did not want to do hormonal therapy and Anna was there to help. She is naturally easy to talk to and took the time to understand all of my symptoms. She understood my current medications and was non-judgmental about my need for ongoing care from my physician. She was able to integrate the acupuncture and herbs into my existing health plan. Her sessions are relaxing and therapeutic as she walks you through the treatment and what to expect. Her facial massages are not to be missed! I feel so cared for during my acupuncture sessions. She made me feel like a priority as she always checked in with me about my care. After my hot flashes quickly resolved she continues to help me with my chronic neck pain and digestive issues. I am continuing to get relief! I have seen many acupuncturists and Anna is at the top of my list! Even if you have never tried acupuncture or Chinese herbs, please let Anna introduce you to the medicine! I simply cannot recommend her enough! Thank you so much Anna!

R.G., Bellingham, WA.


I am 56 years old and in excellent health, taking great nutrition and exercising regularly. Since Anna Palucci comes so highly recommended by my other health practitioners, I went to her as an adjunct to my total wellness program. She gave me a short (20 minute) acupuncture session followed by a longer session six weeks later. I noticed during both sessions that something inside my body "woke up". Following the first session, I noticed some very slight detox symptoms - a very good thing. Following the second session, I noticed a pronounced improvement in the appearance of my varicose veins in my left leg - the heritage left from child-bearing over 20 years ago. I run 5 days/week and have not had problems with these veins for over 10 years, however, some kind of healing was definitely prompted by this acupuncture session. I intend to continue to use Anna's services as part of my wellness regimen and look forward to other parts of my body "waking up" and continuing the healing that this miraculous body can do.
Suzanne S.


A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with arthritis and told by the hospital that there was little I could do about it.  Walking was slow and often painful and many of my joints were swollen. Thinking that acupuncture might alleviate some of the pain, I decided to visit the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.  It was there that I first met Anna Palucci and immediately felt relaxed by her positive energy, genuine warmth and caring. In the following months Anna supervised what has turned about to be the complete healing of my symptoms and health problem. I used to look forward to the visits to PCOM and to the interviews Anna gave prior to treatment. These were the most thorough and focused I have ever experienced, the questions she asked were penetrating and follow up suggestions highly effective. Yet the whole experience felt light hearted and enjoyable. Because of Anna’s empathy and excellent listening abilities. I felt empowered, and a partner in my own healing. I am now able to do vigorous yoga sessions and easily take long hikes in the countryside with no arthritic problems whatsoever. I am amazed at how effective Anna’a healing has been and very grateful for her skill and knowledge.
 Sandra. F.,


I am a 64 year old male. I saw Ms. Palucci for a swollen and painful knee. She helped my condition and it is no longer a problem. She listened to what I had to say about my problem and my general health. She was very thorough in my examination. The treatment, Acupuncture and some massage was very calming and restful. With her approach I looked forward to treatment. She also advised me on some lifestyle changes including diet and herbal remedies . I have followed her advice about sore throats, colds and other common ailments. I continue to use the remedies she recommended. I am also doing Tai Chi as she mentioned the benefits to me. I can honestly say all she has done for me has worked. I have never had to wait any significant amount of time past my appointment time. Her office is calming and relaxed.


I have seen Anna Palucci several times in the last six months for various problems-intense back spasms, immune boosting, and bursitis of the shoulder. In each case, I experienced measurable improvements after an initial intervention. What makes her sessions so powerful is that she knows which techniques to use depending upon symptoms and will be as aggressive with her choice of interventions as is necessary yet gentle in their application. She also explains the procedure and warns of any potential discomfort in advance. Her treatment environment is quiet, appropriately lit, with fresh filtered air at an ideal temperature. Anna will only recommend the appropriate number of sessions per her diagnosis and always follows up with an email or phone call following her first treatment just to make sure healing is occurring properly. In essence, her focus is on the patient. I highly recommend Anna to anyone who experiences any muscular pain, be it deep or superficial; allergies; or immune issues.


I started seeing Anna as a recommendation from an associate of mine for physical and physiological issues I was experiencing. I did not understand acupuncture. Through her explanation and education to me I recognize and value how this has helped me. I can't tell you enough how she has helped my asthma, tension, menstrual aggravation and overall well-being. I sleep better at night, I don't have as many asthma triggers, my TMJ and neck/shoulder tension have diminished and my cycles are more manageable. Cheers to a practitioner who can share her knowledge with a "laymen" and prove how TCM can help!


I have Fibromyalgia, with chronic pain and fatigue. For several years I suffered terribly under an incorrect diagnosis. Once I was diagnosed, there was limited help and no relief, until I began treatments with Anna Palucci. I no longer suffer and you do not have to suffer either. I made the commitment to try acupuncture because Western medicine had no more to offer me and I was so desperate. Acupuncture helps. It really helps! And the help is multidimensional; it lessons fatigue and pain, and increases your body awareness. The stabbing and burning type pains have not reoccurred, nerve pain is managed so I can practice gentle yoga again and walk. Do this one step for yourself and your well-being: call Anna Palucci and make an appointment!"


I began taking acupuncture treatments with Anna in Feb. 2009 after suffering from chronic sinus infections for several months prior to that caused by terrible seasonal allergies. Prior to seeing Anna, I was on several kinds of medication to alleviate my allergies and sinus issues and yet still did not feel 100% healthy. My doctor had even recommended surgery. After a few months of acupuncture and drinking Chinese herbs, I was able to go off of all medication and was breathing better than I had been in a very long time.  I no longer had to consider surgery as an option. Anna also suggested other things that I could do on my own to keep my allergies in check.  Anna really cares about her patients and tries to give them all the tools possible to improve their health. Together, acupuncture and Anna's self-care suggestions have really helped to control my allergies and improve my overall quality of life.


I was fortunate to have Anna Palucci as my traditional Chinese medicine healer and acupuncturist for the past few years both at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Clinic and at her private home office. It was a life-changing experience for me and her warmth , care and professionalism made these visits a real pleasure.


 She was able to diagnose various healing protocols for my prostate and high blood pressure concerns using acupuncture, herbal remedies, and a deep reading of  my vital signals and personal history. For about a year I went to weekly sessions ,then later bi- weekly until she moved to Seattle this past September. I miss her. I miss the joy she displayed in her character and her great healing abilities.  I feel that anyone who would use her services in Seattle will find her to be an excellent person to work with.

John F.


Call 360-363-4040 to schedule an appointment today.


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Anna Palucci Young, L.Ac., AEMP 

Licensed Acupuncturist & Eastern Medicine Practitioner  Credential Number : AC 60858717 Washington State

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