Cosmetic Acupuncture
Mount Vernon Washington, Skagit Valley
The Mei Zen system of cosmetic acupuncture balances the body from the inside out. A complete health evaluation will be performed prior to commencement of the protocol to assess imbalances in the body, ensuring the best possible results.
This protocol utilizes the principles of Eastern medicine to improve the collagen and elastin matrix of the dermis layer of the skin to promote the reduction of fine lines, sagging and uneven complexion.
In addition, this protocol can also be used for Bell’s palsy, cystic acne and acne scars, rosacea and post stroke disfiguration of the face.*
The face protocol package also includes customized recommendations for diet and lifestyle, herbs and supplements.**
Face Protocol Package - $1200.00
The face protocol consists of ten treatments, two times per week for five weeks. The benefits of this protocol are:
Reduction of wrinkles
Reduction of fine lines and softening of deep lines and wrinkles
Reduction of sagging facial muscles
Lifting of droopy eyelids
Clearing or reduction of age spots
Decrease in skin discoloration from acne or rosacea
* If you have any questions, I provide a complimentary 20 min consultation for anyone interested in finding out more about this amazing protocol.
** Herbs and supplements are sold separately.